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Problems with Glass material

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  • Problems with Glass material


    I have a simple box geometry, it is the top of a table. The box is 50cm x 50cm x 4 cm

    I have chamfered all the edges and then I've applied a simple VrayMtl with Refraction of 255, IOR 1.0 and I've darken a bit Fog Color; I've also adjusted a bit of Reflections.

    All works correctly.

    The edge of the box geometry (4cm) is a brushed glasses, before to create the new material I did this: I've detached the polygons using loop selection and I've applied to the new geometry the same VrayMtl as the original box.

    So it is the same situation like the beginning, the only difference is that the original geometry now are two geometries: top/bottom of the box (50x50) and the edge.

    If I render I don't have the same render as before, it seems there is a sort of artifact, the edge appears more black. The same problem if I don't detach part of the geometry but I use a Multi Sub Object Mtl instead.

    What's wrong?

    Thank you.

  • #2

    We just tested the two workflows - detaching surfaces and with Multi/Sub-Object material, but both of them give the same result as the original geometry.
    Can you send us your scene / / to see what exactly is your setup and tell us which version of V-Ray do you use?
    Tsvetan Geshev
    Technical Support Representative

    Chaos Group

