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tiled exr for displacement not working?

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  • tiled exr for displacement not working?

    Hey everyone,

    I am trying to load a tiled exr via the vrayhdri node into the vraydisplacement mod, but I am unable to get it to work. I read in some vray for maya documentation that you must tell it the low and high bound so it knows how far to displace since it's not loading everything at once. I tried this in the texmap min and max but no dice. it displaces the geo, I can see my mesh go in and out if I enter large values, but it is not doing any sort of detail displacement.

    I loaded the original tif and it displaces just fine.

    Any ideas on how to get this to work?


  • #2
    Works fine for me... can you get me a scene to

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hi Vlado!

      Thank you so much for the response! Since you were able to get it working, I went back in to try and debug so I wouldn't have to take more of your time and I found out what is causing the problem.

      When I have the filtering on the vrayhdri node set to isotropic, it works fine. However, when I switch it to elliptical, all the detail completely goes away. Even when my filtering of the texture in the vrayhdri node is .01.

      Here is an example of what I am seeing.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	filtering.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	116.5 KB
ID:	855862

      Correct me if I am wrong, but I should be using elliptical filtering with a tiled .exr, correct? Do you get the same problems? I will zip the scene file up for you to check out as well if you would still prefer.

      Thank you so much!!


      • #4
        The first implementation of elliptical filtering didn't work correctly for displacement; this is fixed in the nightly builds and for the next service pack, but for the moment you will have to turn it off for displacement maps.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

