I've been playing around with the new release, but I'm seeing some big inconsistencies with the new Physical Camera. I wonder if I'm missing something?
First some questions:
1: Does the physical camera work at all without the exposure control activated? it doesn't appear so so I'm assuming it has to be on. Is the VRay Exposure control just for legacy support?
2: The preview in the exposure control doesn't seem to function with Vray?
3: Do the "image control" controls have any effect on VRay rendering?
Now, here is my test setup. I started with a clean Max and VRay install. The only things I changed from the default settings (other than turning off the stupid viewcube) was to change the display units to cm, switch to VRay renderer and activate GI. Next, I created a 500cm plane with a 100cm diameter teapot, a VRaySun with default settings, and a Physical camera with F. stop 11, Shutter 1/500 and Iso 200. Lastly I set viewport to realistic, and set it to use scene lights.
As you can see the render turned out as expected, but the viewport display is much darker than it should be. If I change the camera settings to make it look right in the viewport it renders everything beyond white. So, what am I doing wrong?

Edit: Also, Max crashes when opening the Slate Material Editor when trying to render the preview for VRayScannedMaterial
First some questions:
1: Does the physical camera work at all without the exposure control activated? it doesn't appear so so I'm assuming it has to be on. Is the VRay Exposure control just for legacy support?
2: The preview in the exposure control doesn't seem to function with Vray?
3: Do the "image control" controls have any effect on VRay rendering?
Now, here is my test setup. I started with a clean Max and VRay install. The only things I changed from the default settings (other than turning off the stupid viewcube) was to change the display units to cm, switch to VRay renderer and activate GI. Next, I created a 500cm plane with a 100cm diameter teapot, a VRaySun with default settings, and a Physical camera with F. stop 11, Shutter 1/500 and Iso 200. Lastly I set viewport to realistic, and set it to use scene lights.
As you can see the render turned out as expected, but the viewport display is much darker than it should be. If I change the camera settings to make it look right in the viewport it renders everything beyond white. So, what am I doing wrong?
Edit: Also, Max crashes when opening the Slate Material Editor when trying to render the preview for VRayScannedMaterial