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Problem with unloading times.

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  • Problem with unloading times.


    I was wondering if any of you have experienced an issue with unloading times when it comes to heavy scenes, I will try to explain in more detail below.

    I have a fairly complex scene with hair fur displacement heavy 8k textures, motion blur and DOF so on.. now it is well optimized for its nature, and it renders just fine, I have a 64 gb ram machine coupled with a high performance SSD drive dedicated to 250gb of virtual memory.

    The scene itself renders in 2.5 hours a frame, but it takes another 3 hours just to unload the geometry and switch to the next frame, and this time goes up exponentially, in other words if the next frame took 5 hours to render, you can expect a 4 hour unloading time!

    The render works fine it even saves the frame, it is just the unloading process that takes so long. I tested this and re-tested it on 5 machines all with similar setups and they all have the same issue with scenes which have relatively complex geometry or textures.

    I would understand maybe 30 minutes or even up to 1 hour of unloading times but to go over 2 and 3 is unnatural.

    The only way around it is to force crash max and set the next frame up manually to start the render.

    I tried backburner and tried to find a way to have it force shut down max after every frame is done rendering, but backburner is not very clever unfortunately and i haven't found a way to tell it to "quit" after a certain time is expired, the "timeouts" option in there don't work this way unfortunately, they just try to rerender the same frame again, which is not what we want.

    I understand that Vray has to process all that geometry and data, but does it really need hours to "dump" them out?

    I have tested this issue with vray 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2, Ornatrix for hair.

    So I am wondering what this issue might be, and if there is a workaround for it.


  • #2
    Can you get me a scene for this to ?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vlado View Post
      Can you get me a scene for this to ?

      Best regards,
      Thank you very much Vlado for the reply, unfortunately for the time being I wont be able share any scenes, but i will try to put something together in the nearest future when possible.

      Meanwhile, I was hoping you might have run into a similar issue before, and may have a hint of what the problem might be.

      Thanks again,


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nkal View Post
        Meanwhile, I was hoping you might have run into a similar issue before, and may have a hint of what the problem might be.
        I have run into this, but there might be a few different reasons and I don't know which one it is in your case. Do you have any subdivision surfaces in your scene?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          I have run into this, but there might be a few different reasons and I don't know which one it is in your case. Do you have any subdivision surfaces in your scene?

          Best regards,
          Hello Vlado,

          In subdivisions do you mean Vray displacement or turbosmooth?, if so i do have both, regarding vray displacement, none are in "subdivsion mode".

          I may disable all displacements globally and give a frame a try if that would help determine some problems.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Nkal View Post
            Hello Vlado,

            In subdivisions do you mean Vray displacement or turbosmooth?, if so i do have both, regarding vray displacement, none are in "subdivsion mode".

            I may disable all displacements globally and give a frame a try if that would help determine some problems.

            Try to first disable displacement from global switches, then if there is no improvement disable all turbosmooth/meshsmooth modifiers.
            Let us know if the same issue appears even without any displacement or subdivisions surfaces.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

