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"Field3d doesnt use gzip compression" message won't shut up in volume grid :)

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  • "Field3d doesnt use gzip compression" message won't shut up in volume grid :)

    Heya Folks!

    I'm trying to use the volume grid as a way of loading fume caches since it's got a lot more maxscript options than fume does. I've noticed that when I load in a bad sim from fume that doesn't use gzip, the volume loader keeps repeating the error message that the fume cache has the wrong compression. It's more a problem with fume which doesn't let you use gzip when you network sim a grid from what I can tell, but the volume grid seems to be reading through each frame of the cache in the sequence and repeating the same error message. For the sake of annoyance could we get this changed if it's not already?



  • #2

    Thank you for reporting this, shall be fixed.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      You're pretty good at this fast software development thing, any chance you'd fix the fume bugs too :P


      • #4
        Nah, we'll stick to Phoenix's bugs
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          How is phoenix doing for large ocean swells these days - such as a boat on a stormy ocean? Is it possible to drive a phoenix wave with a geometry surface like the houdini ocean toolkit?

          It was great to hear about mackevision using phoenix on Game of thrones, they're totally right about the amount of time that it takes to convert prt files from naiad to render in max, so it'd be interesting to see how it's developing for big waves!


          • #6
            you can drive the simulation with animated geometry, but you have to prepare it somehow, that is not easy. we have scheduled some tools to create waves automatically, i know it's very desired feature.
            VRScans developer

