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samsung gear vr visualization issues

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  • samsung gear vr visualization issues

    Hi, if I load the chaosgroup vr image ( in my gearVR, images are not stitched nicely. Same issue occurs if I render a 18000 x 1500 stereo panorama from 3ds with vray 3.2: there are some small apertures between images composing the cubes. Any suggestion?
    Thank you for your help!

  • #2
    could it because thats a low quality jpg?
    Did you use a .png for yours like the gear vr examples?


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply Neilg, I am going to try a png render. At a first glance it doesen't look like a compression artifact anyway. Have you tried to give a look at that image ( with your gearVR ? Thanks!


      • #4
        I haven't - we actually loaned ours to a client on friday so I cant check. Took it to show them a mockup of the space and they loved it, we let them keep hold of it for a few days to show around.
        Rendering .exr's, doing the postwork in fusion and saving out .png, i didn't see any issues or artifacts. not had any issues setting it up.
        The image size should actually be 18432 x 1536.
        Set the render size to 9216x1536 and let the stereoscopic helper pop it out to twice that.


        • #5
          Thanks a lot, I think the resolution difference should do the trick. Have a great day!

