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New Global DMC Issue

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  • New Global DMC Issue

    Is there a known issue with the Global DMC on Vray 3.2?

    I was unable to effect the rendertime or quality by changing the Noise Threshold. It always stayed the same regardless of what values I used. But, if I change the Color threshold under the Adaptive image sampler, it did effect the noise, quality, and render time. Is the Global DMC disabled by some option I'm overlooking?

  • #2
    I'm not aware of any issues; things seem to work as expected. Can you post an example scene?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      the only issue i get is sometimes when i tab between values max crashes on me...? i haven't been able to fully test it as it only happens sometimes and i'm normally not expecting it... i kinda do i by default/not thinking and boom max crashes/hangs...


      • #4

        Here are the results I'm getting. The only change between each image is the Global DMC noise from 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. Yet I'm getting the same results and the only difference is about 10 seconds. Does this seem abnormal? Also, this scene was originally created in Vray 2.5, and recently converted to 3.2. Perhaps I am missing a setting that disables the noise control from the Global DMC and only utilizes it from the Color threshold?

        Last edited by Teriander; 25-08-2015, 06:16 PM.


        • #5
          This looks strange. It will be best if you could send us the scene (or a stripped version of the scene) to so we could test it in our environment and investigate further.
          Please mentioned this thread in your e-mail.
          Zdravko Keremidchiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            We had a look at the scene. The main reason for the small difference in the render time is due to the low lights/material subdivisions. With those subdivs even when you change the Noise threshold V-Ray can't force a significant change in the render time calculation.
            Zdravko Keremidchiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7

              That's interesting. I remember in older versions of V-Ray, this option still reduced the rendertime even in low lights/material subdivisions scenes. Is this something new for V-Ray 3.2? I'll have to get used to that. Thanks for reviewing my scene!


              • #8
                Did you try doing some tests with "probabilistic lights" off?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by coolhand78 View Post
                  the only issue i get is sometimes when i tab between values max crashes on me...? i haven't been able to fully test it as it only happens sometimes and i'm normally not expecting it... i kinda do i by default/not thinking and boom max crashes/hangs...
                  Sorry for hijacking the thread, but this issue happens to me as well. I wanted to report it in a new thread when I saw this reply.

                  Tabbing through the Adaptive image sampler values (tab and shift tab to/from the color treshold) completely crashes max every time. I'm using Max 2016 and V-Ray 3.20.03. Tested on two very different workstations.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by martijnvermeer View Post
                    Sorry for hijacking the thread, but this issue happens to me as well. I wanted to report it in a new thread when I saw this reply.

                    Tabbing through the Adaptive image sampler values (tab and shift tab to/from the color treshold) completely crashes max every time. I'm using Max 2016 and V-Ray 3.20.03. Tested on two very different workstations.
                    I have the same set up max 2016 vray 3.2


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by martijnvermeer View Post
                      Sorry for hijacking the thread, but this issue happens to me as well. I wanted to report it in a new thread when I saw this reply.

                      Tabbing through the Adaptive image sampler values (tab and shift tab to/from the color treshold) completely crashes max every time. I'm using Max 2016 and V-Ray 3.20.03. Tested on two very different workstations.
                      Originally posted by coolhand78 View Post
                      I have the same set up max 2016 vray 3.2
                      Originally posted by coolhand78 View Post
                      the only issue i get is sometimes when i tab between values max crashes on me...? i haven't been able to fully test it as it only happens sometimes and i'm normally not expecting it... i kinda do i by default/not thinking and boom max crashes/hangs...

                      I think this is a 3dsMAX problem. I have it in every render settings panel. Even if I put the renderer on iRay for example it's the same issue. Try putting the settings in another renderer and put your cursor in an input field, and hold tab. Result > MAX not responding.



                      • #12
                        Yes, this definitely can be addressed to the Autodesk team.
                        There was another report for the same issue here:
                        Tashko Zashev |
                        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

