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Xray shader - Backface cull?

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  • Xray shader - Backface cull?

    I have an xray shader that's working out for me. The only problem I have is that it's showing parts of the I'd rather it didn't, specifically the backside of the model and the soulsucking looking mouth. I need to somehow clip out the back areas, and so far I've fallen short. I'm using VrayLightMtl, but I also tried a regular VRayMtl (though I prefer the 'multiply by opacity' on vray light mtl) but no luck. I think I've been up too long and I'm drawing a blank.

    Tried to get fancy with some towards/away masking but it's not really panning out. Any tips?


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Xray.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	67.9 KB
ID:	882841

  • #2
    cant you just use the same falloff to mask between a flat black material and your lightmtl (without transparency)?

    if you need it to be transparent over a background, comp it.


    • #3
      See... that's what I thought. Maybe I just made a mistake, will take another stab at it. It'll be animated so I need a procedural method, but I just really hoped to find a way to ignore anything past the 1st set of faces.


      • #4
        Sorry to dig up an old post.. Did you ever find a way? I'm also wanting to create the same effect.
        CGI Artist @ Staud Studios


        • #5
          not sure if i remember correctly or if it will fit for your shader
          but i had the same issue once,
          you can try to turn off "visible in refractions" in the vray object properties, hopefully helps


          • #6
            Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
            Sorry to dig up an old post.. Did you ever find a way? I'm also wanting to create the same effect.
            I'm away right now but this weekend I'll dig up my files and see what I did. I think I made a copy of the object and pushed it in a little and made it matte black.

