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Cannot Register Vray License Service

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  • Cannot Register Vray License Service

    I have had Vray 3.2 for Max 2016 for a while now, but just recently it 'switched' from my dongle to a floating license (which I don't need as I have a dongle)
    When I try and register The Vray License Service i get a small pop-up box title VRLService ' Failed to open registry Key(1)
    I run Win 10 and have installed the WibiKey Win 10 driver
    I have checked my dongle status under localhost:30304 and all is seen and fine.
    I have uninstalled numerous times and checked the local machine install and all the correct options.
    I have turned Kaspersky off
    I have double checked the above with others in the studio (to check I haven't done something dumb)

    What is causing this and any idea how to solve it and lock my license to my dongle?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VRLService-error.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	11.6 KB
ID:	883074


  • #2
    In order to update V-Ray license server configuration settings please go to Windows Start > All Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3ds Max > Licensing > Administration and with right mouse click on "Register V-Ray license service" expand the drop-down menu. There choose "Run as administrator" option. After you make the changes you will be able to save the new configuration.
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      thanks - sorry, being a bit thick....

