I got a quite annoying issue with VRayRT.
When I have it running and duplicate a light in the scene via shift-drag which has include/exclude objects the following happens:
1) VRayRT doesn't recognize the include/exclude settings of the duplicated light (the old one is fine)
2) When I close the RT window and restart the render (because the incl/excl settings are messed up) it now happened 4 consecutive times, taht when I press the render button, the VFB pops open for a split second and immediately closes. I then have to restart max and reopen the scene for it to work again.
Is this a known issue? Scene file can be provided if neccassary.
I got a quite annoying issue with VRayRT.
When I have it running and duplicate a light in the scene via shift-drag which has include/exclude objects the following happens:
1) VRayRT doesn't recognize the include/exclude settings of the duplicated light (the old one is fine)
2) When I close the RT window and restart the render (because the incl/excl settings are messed up) it now happened 4 consecutive times, taht when I press the render button, the VFB pops open for a split second and immediately closes. I then have to restart max and reopen the scene for it to work again.
Is this a known issue? Scene file can be provided if neccassary.