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File saving times

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  • File saving times

    Hi all,

    I know this is a VRay forum, but i find the 3dsmax Area website terrible and often of little help so thought I'd ask here.......

    Using 3dsmax 2015. We are having the classic problem with a certain file taking what feels like a long time to save. 4 and a half minutes to be precise. On another machine it took 40 seconds. Read a lot about hidden note tracks and have cleared all of those with various scripts and reduced the save time by half, but still felt 2 minutes was too long.

    I've spoken to our IT company and also the suppliers of the machine. Everything we have tried from new network cables, different network ports, updating drivers, bios and re installing max completely fresh have had zero results to speed increase. So after ruling out our network it either meant it was the software of the machine that was the problem. the supplier found no issues with the PC so I decided to install 3dsmax 2016. the exact same file takes 8 seconds to save...............

    This is quite disturbing! Any pointers as to why a file would take 4 and a half minutes in 3dsmax 2015 but 8 seconds in 2016? Both are fresh installations so have no extra plugins or scripts installed. Only 3dsmax and VRay.

    Any ideas as to why this might happen?


  • #2
    is it set to save multiple backups as well ? files/prefs/autobackup


    • #3
      There's a setting in preferences to compress on save. (Makes it a zip file of a max file.) It's been known to slow things down... especially with lots of objects. (Dunno why.)

      You can find it here: Customize->preferenes->Files-> compress on save button. Left column, toward top.

      maybe it's turned on in your slow computer and it's off on the settings of the fast one? Could be. Otherwise I would look at your hard drive, it may be failing. Mine are super old but most are only slated for 3-4 years.

