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Issue with Glass - coming out black (when many reflective objects)

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  • Issue with Glass - coming out black (when many reflective objects)

    I cannot work out why the glasses I have in my scene are coming out black in areas of glass overlap, particularly when enclosed in an area which also has a chrome background.

    Any ideas ?


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Restaurant_-_100116_v10c.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	400.5 KB
ID:	883332

    3DS Max 2023.3.4 | V-Ray 6.10.08 | Phoenix FD 4.40.00 | PD Player 64 | Forest Pack Pro 8.2.2 | RailClone 6.1.3
    Windows 11 Pro 22H2 | NVidia Drivers 535.98 (Game Drivers)

    Asus X299 Sage (Bios 4001), i9-7980xe, 128Gb, 1TB m.2 OS, 2 x NVidia RTX 3090 FE
    ---- Updated 06/09/23 -------

  • #2
    Looks like you need to increase the "Max depth" of the reflections and refractions in these glass/chrome materials. Try something like 10 or 15. Otherwise Vray traces just a few reflection/refraction rays and then stops. Then it just paints the further depth with wathever is your "Exit color" (which is black by default). Hope this helps!
    Aleksandar Mitov

    3ds Max 2023.2.2 + Vray 7 Hotfix 1
    AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-core
    96GB DDR5
    GeForce RTX 3090 24GB + GPU Driver 566.14


    • #3
      Thanks but I already tried that, with no joy

      3DS Max 2023.3.4 | V-Ray 6.10.08 | Phoenix FD 4.40.00 | PD Player 64 | Forest Pack Pro 8.2.2 | RailClone 6.1.3
      Windows 11 Pro 22H2 | NVidia Drivers 535.98 (Game Drivers)

      Asus X299 Sage (Bios 4001), i9-7980xe, 128Gb, 1TB m.2 OS, 2 x NVidia RTX 3090 FE
      ---- Updated 06/09/23 -------


      • #4
        Do you have "Override depth" (in global switches, expert mode) turned on by any chance? If yes, try turning it off. I can see that you actually have some champagne glasses that render fine (on the table at the far left-hand side of the example image). Can you try applying the same material? Another thing you may try is to see if the glasses have the options "Visible in reflection" & "Visible in refraction" turned on in V-Ray object properties.
        Aleksandar Mitov

        3ds Max 2023.2.2 + Vray 7 Hotfix 1
        AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-core
        96GB DDR5
        GeForce RTX 3090 24GB + GPU Driver 566.14


        • #5
          Most of the glasses are filled with liquid which material also needs to be adjusted.
          It would be better to set the Override Depth value globally to something like 20 and see if the results gets better or not.
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


          • #6
            Originally posted by svetlozar.draganov View Post
            Most of the glasses are filled with liquid which material also needs to be adjusted.
            It would be better to set the Override Depth value globally to something like 20 and see if the results gets better or not.
            No, there is no liquid inside those glasses and I tried all of that, the issue is that the glasses are in the cabinet......

            Take the glasses out and put them on a vray-plane (with mirror behind etc etc) and there is no problem.

            Put the glasses on those glass shelves and in that cabinet and we have those dark areas.

            No idea.

            3DS Max 2023.3.4 | V-Ray 6.10.08 | Phoenix FD 4.40.00 | PD Player 64 | Forest Pack Pro 8.2.2 | RailClone 6.1.3
            Windows 11 Pro 22H2 | NVidia Drivers 535.98 (Game Drivers)

            Asus X299 Sage (Bios 4001), i9-7980xe, 128Gb, 1TB m.2 OS, 2 x NVidia RTX 3090 FE
            ---- Updated 06/09/23 -------


            • #7
              Screenshot of the material settings?
              Check out my (rarely updated) blog @


              Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


              • #8
                I fixed it guys - thanks Macker, it was a setting in the materials which had been unchecked (not me, but a freelancer I took on, he said he'd spent 2 hours trying to figure it out.....).

                Sorry for any inconvenience.
                Last edited by JezUK; 13-01-2016, 09:33 AM.

                3DS Max 2023.3.4 | V-Ray 6.10.08 | Phoenix FD 4.40.00 | PD Player 64 | Forest Pack Pro 8.2.2 | RailClone 6.1.3
                Windows 11 Pro 22H2 | NVidia Drivers 535.98 (Game Drivers)

                Asus X299 Sage (Bios 4001), i9-7980xe, 128Gb, 1TB m.2 OS, 2 x NVidia RTX 3090 FE
                ---- Updated 06/09/23 -------


                • #9
                  Glad my advice was of help haha!
                  Check out my (rarely updated) blog @


                  Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


                  • #10
                    Sorry for reviving this old topic, but I wanted to add something useful.
                    I had a very similar problem and tried all kind of changes in the glass material and rendering settings, but in the end I found out that the problem is caused by the mirror material behind the glasses - it had a low Reflection depth ( 3 - which for most scenes works fine).
                    As soon as I increased the Reflection depth of the mirror (to 10 in my case) all of the glasses came out just fine.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JezUK View Post
                      I fixed it guys - thanks Macker, it was a setting in the materials which had been unchecked (not me, but a freelancer I took on, he said he'd spent 2 hours trying to figure it out.....).

                      Sorry for any inconvenience.
                      Hi Jez

                      I am having this problem now, i have a bar scene with glasses but the glasses that are overlapping are rendering black, i already tried to use color only, color + alpha, and all channels, i also increased the max depth to 25 but same result. what exactly was the setting that was "unchecked"? thank you very much

