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Leaves Dissapear from Proxy

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  • Leaves Dissapear from Proxy

    I don't get this..... Tried a few times to make sure it wasn't a bad export but for some reason the leaves aren't rendering for this proxy (collapsed to single mesh before export). They're visible in the vrmesh viewer and also when I display the whole mesh from proxy display settings.

    Any ideas?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2016-01-19_1757.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	427.9 KB
ID:	883405

  • #2
    Maybe the opacity map on the leaves is messed up? Or it somehow had something put into the rafraction slot?
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      thought about that and applied the same material from material editor from when it was mesh (rendered leaves) to when it was proxy (not rendering leaves) - no dice

      would there be any type of map assigned to a material slot for the leaf that the proxy would not be able to interpret maybe? can't check the mat right now because I have a large frame rendering..... but the fact that the leaf mesh is clearly there and it renders fine as the original mesh baffles me a bit....


      • #4
        opened the scene up on another machine and all the maps for the leaves for that particular tree are targa's (.tga) - would that have anything to do with it?


        • #5
          Originally posted by rusteberg View Post
          opened the scene up on another machine and all the maps for the leaves for that particular tree are targa's (.tga) - would that have anything to do with it?
          Perhaps something goes wrong with the UV mapping channels or it's limitation of a specific setup. In a simple test this workflow works fine here.
          Can you post a sample to test it here ?
          Are you using a TGA with Black/White image or the file Alpha channel ?
          Tashko Zashev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            any chance it can't actually find the opacitymap ?
            if that's the case then it treats the opacitymap as entirely black


            • #7
              Originally posted by tashko.zashev View Post
              Perhaps something goes wrong with the UV mapping channels or it's limitation of a specific setup. In a simple test this workflow works fine here.
              Can you post a sample to test it here ?
              Are you using a TGA with Black/White image or the file Alpha channel ?
              Didn't matter what was used to pull the opacity - the problem was with the mapping. The leaves were not showing up because the opacity map was set to Vertex Color Channel instead of the default Explicit Map Channel. So that was the culprit. See here. Thanks for the clues!


              • #8
                Originally posted by rusteberg View Post
                Didn't matter what was used to pull the opacity - the problem was with the mapping. The leaves were not showing up because the opacity map was set to Vertex Color Channel instead of the default Explicit Map Channel. So that was the culprit. See here. Thanks for the clues!
                Is is possible to send us part of the file to test it here?
                Tashko Zashev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  Here you go

                  If you need more info, let me know. Thanks.


                  • #10
                    Does the proxy file have 'force first map channel' turned on?

                    I noticed that vray has started having that on by default in the newer versions and it's fucked with our leaves too. took us ages to figure out that was the issue.


                    • #11
                      no, that remains un-ticked when I create a proxy automatically by right clicking and exporting to vrmesh and also when creating a proxy through the vray create panel - issue was the proxy didn't like the opacity mapped to the vertex color channel.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rusteberg View Post
                        issue was the proxy didn't like the opacity mapped to the vertex color channel.
                        i don't know why it was mapped that way to begin with - Got it from Turbosquid


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rusteberg View Post
                          Here you go

                          If you need more info, let me know. Thanks.
                          Thank you for posting the scene file.
                          I think this setup is incorrect and this is the reason why it lead to unexpected render results. Since there isn't any vertex map channels already set for those Proxy objects, which will work fine if there are any, they will appear wrong or weird.
                          The solution is to change it to Explicit mapping as you have already found out.
                          Tashko Zashev |
                          Chaos Support Representative | contact us

