I came across on many occasions the VRay frame buffer locking cameras when rendering. They are not locked in the dialog box but behave like they are locked. The only way to get out of the lock is by rendering a ortho viewport and switching back and forth between viewports or deleting other cameras. I tested this with other render engines and max's native frame buffer with Vray. It only happens in the VRay frame buffer.
Steps to recreate:
- Make camera
- Make another camera
- Make cameras active in lower viewports (4 Quads viewport)
- Make something so you can reconize which camera is which (not need only for reference)
- Click / activate viewport with 1st camera and push render
- Click / activate the opposite viewport with 2nd camera and push render
- This should bug out and render the wrong viewport. If not click the other and repeat.
Max 2016 SP2 Vray 3.30.02
Steps to recreate:
- Make camera
- Make another camera
- Make cameras active in lower viewports (4 Quads viewport)
- Make something so you can reconize which camera is which (not need only for reference)
- Click / activate viewport with 1st camera and push render
- Click / activate the opposite viewport with 2nd camera and push render
- This should bug out and render the wrong viewport. If not click the other and repeat.
Max 2016 SP2 Vray 3.30.02