I now have rendered 22K wide pic to vrimg. First when I tried converting it the program said not responding. But now when I try to convert it with vrimg2exr program it says it can't read it in one pass, increase buffer size. No matter how big I increase the buffer size it says the same. How can I convert the file when it's this big?
Seems that -bufsize 0 was the key though it took awhile to convert.
I now have rendered 22K wide pic to vrimg. First when I tried converting it the program said not responding. But now when I try to convert it with vrimg2exr program it says it can't read it in one pass, increase buffer size. No matter how big I increase the buffer size it says the same. How can I convert the file when it's this big?
Seems that -bufsize 0 was the key though it took awhile to convert.