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VRay RT - Delay when changing scene parameters

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  • VRay RT - Delay when changing scene parameters

    Hi there,

    We are using VRay RT for interactive automotive lighting and are wondering how to make the response time of VRay RT faster when changing scene parameters e.g. changing a lights position.
    The data we get for the cars is basically made up of thousands of single poly objects. So we collapse all the objects into one giant editable mesh and build a VRay proxy object out of it. This is what we than use for RT rendering.
    This works out quite well in terms of rendering speed. But, what is a bit annoying is that every time a change is made in the scene the RT engine seems to re-compile (or what ever is happening) again which leads to a delay.
    So, are there any possibilities to get red of this step or other ways to speed up the response times of VRay RT?

    PS: We ware using VRay RT CPU!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    We are working on improving this. It would help if you can get us an example scene - it would make the issue easier to track down. You can send it to

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

