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IES light not visible

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  • IES light not visible


    Is there any way to get IES light visible directly and in perfectly sharp reflections? I've noticed that V-Ray IES is not visible directly, and doesn't do perfectly mirror reflection, just fake speculars when glossiness is lower than 1. This is really unfortunate as now i have to go through annoying process of creating separate geometry for directly visible and reflected version of the light, and then spend a lot of time trying to match the intensity of that placeholder geometry to the intensity of the light.

    In Corona, I can just attach IES profile to the CoronaLight. Why can't I do the same with V-Ray light?

  • #2
    you mean you cannot attach an IES file into your vray IES or vray light?
    Best regards,
    Jackie Teh

    3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
    AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


    • #3
      Hi Recon442,

      This is the way IES lights actually works. They are not presented in the scene as a typical light geometry and are not able to be viewed directly. Usually the workflow is what you are currently using - placing sphere lights in Invisible mode.
      Perhaps we can extend their functionality to allow more control and flexibility during the scene lighting process.
      Tashko Zashev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Originally posted by tashko.zashev View Post
        Hi Recon442,

        This is the way IES lights actually works. They are not presented in the scene as a typical light geometry and are not able to be viewed directly. Usually the workflow is what you are currently using - placing sphere lights in Invisible mode.
        Perhaps we can extend their functionality to allow more control and flexibility during the scene lighting process.
        Thanks for the answer. Hopefully it will be improved in the future.


        • #5
          I would like to bump the importance of this. It takes me a lot of time to constantly manually create and match directly visible representation of IES lights in my scenes. It's usually a long process of creating Vray light of similar intensity, measuring it with color probe under given exposure settings, then creating directly visible representation that is often not well sampled and adds quite a bit of noise. Yet, if I do not do that, then my scene lacks a lot of important reflections and highlights, and realism suffers.

          Would be good to simply be able to attach IES profile directly to V-Ray light, instead of using special IES light for that.


          • #6
            A added a feature request into our system on that subject.
            I'll keep you posted on the progress.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              Any news about that? Thats strange that light which have some shape are invisible directly...


              • #8
                +1 from me!

                please make this happen. I also dont see a reason for a seperate ies object. This should be implemented inside the vray light.
                I also just had a problem with an ies file not loading because of some formating problem inside the file. (corona did load just fine.)

                the whole ies process in vray seems outdated and is in need of an update. before i further explain, the corona implementation is exactly how it should work.



                • #9
                  +1 here, too, thanks!

