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Rendering large amount of data (characters, hair, fluids etc) at the same time

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  • Rendering large amount of data (characters, hair, fluids etc) at the same time

    I'm having a very hard time with a project I'm working on, I have to render a landscape (70 mts x 30 mts aprox) that is full of grass (I'm using ornatrix), it has a liquid simulation in the middle (like a big water well) and also I have like 20 characters on this scene, actually those characters have hair (also ornatrix) but it seems imposible for my machine or renderfarm to handle it, even without the hair. I have optimized everything, and Im not working with everything on the same scene, for this I'm using xref scene for the not animated objects and for the characters I'm using containers, I found this was the best option to set the layout and place the characters correctly. The problem is that even with that, and having tried also with alembic files for the grass, the render crashes after a while, I think that is after vray is building the embree. I don't know if converting the characters to vrayproxy will help, because I guess even with that, vray has to upload them to ram and ram is the breaking point here. The characters has different parts like eyes, and helmets, so also I don't know how it will work turning all of that into vray proxys.
    I'm asking for help or tips to solve this... for my is important to render the characters on the scene because the cross with each other and also some times the grass terrain passes in front of them, and in the other hand, I need the shadows of the character on the grass
    Hope someone can give me a guide because I had run out of ideas.

  • #2
    Obviously it will be best to add more ram in your machines. Also you can try optimizing your scene even more, by checking the displacement, hair, subdivisions. You can check some of the tips here as well:
    Also you can try exporting the characters or some of the other geometry to proxy.
    Furthermore if nothing helps you can render the scene in parts and comp everything later in post.
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I have found that I can use alembic and sometimes vrayproxy to render the characters, even with hair using the ox alembic... but I'm having a huge problem related to vrayproxy export. With the characters I found that is best to use vrayproxy to export the whole character because vrayproxy creates automatically the multisub object material... but there is something weird. max seems to be unable to create finish create this character in particular, but I can import the character later as vrayproxy because the file is created, but I dont have the material (the file where Im creating the proxy crashes or hangs until I have to close it). Instead, the alembic creates the file in just a second without problems, but as I said, I dont have the multisubobject material, so here Im in a problem. There is not chance to export the material with proxy or something? I really don't get why vray has such a problem trying to export this character animation, even one frame is imposible but not for the alembic. Hope you can help me.
      Best regards


      • #4
        I found that vray creates the multimaterial on the temporal material folder of the scene, so I just have to export the mesh without creating automatically the proxy and it works properly. Thanks

