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Vray 3.30.05 - Refractions Speed Problem

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  • Vray 3.30.05 - Refractions Speed Problem

    Hello guys

    I have here an issue I'm struggling with a bit.

    Rendering glas with the standard vray settings = which means leave the optimization for vray (Use local subdivs is unchecked) gives me enormous rendering times. And that's only the case if some geometry with standard vray shader (no reflections etc.) is behind the glas.

    if this geometriy is turned off in reflections and refractions (object properties) - no speedproblems at all, glas renders blazing fast, not otherwise though.

    I need a bit of quality in that rendering so I've risen the min shading rate from 6 to 8. With Max Subdivs of 46 the vray samlpe rate pass is still green to red on geometry with bitmap textures... so that means tons of samples are taken there. there are texuremapped objects in the final scene behind the glas as well, those render with a lot of red samples... so I tried go up to 76 subdivs, which speeded up the rendering in those areas, had no effect on the rendering speed in the case described above or as seen in the example scene:

    where did I miss something? I'm sure its my fault, but I can't find the culprit. And I for sure do not want to optimize all shaders and lights manualy. Which I could, but in the final scene, there are many shaders and lights to check.

    thank you very much for any hint. The one with "don't be lazy" I already know .

    Sorry I forgot to mention: Max 2016.


    EDIT: here is the samplerate pass. the two objects (the obvious problem) are actually copies. those should give the same result. but the sample rate seems to have someting to do with the reflection and/or refraction falloff angle or by the distance of the object behind the glas. I cant explain that to me other way. max subdivs are set to 46, color threshold of the adaptive image sampler is 0.005.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	problem0000.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	498.5 KB
ID:	884040
    Last edited by o-v; 25-04-2016, 01:10 AM.

  • #2
    additional info: rendering the final scene with the background objet: >4h, without the object: 40min...


    • #3
      It would be best if you can send that part of the scene to so that we can figure out what's wrong.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        downloadlink is in the first post

        thank you very much for your efforts in advance!

        the glasTest.rar shows the problem. Its exactly the same setup. 3 glas plates and a background object.

        If you render with the background object in the scen - long long rendertimes

        without it or turned off in reflections/refrations - super fast.


        • #5
          Originally posted by o-v View Post
          downloadlink is in the first post
          Eh of course... sorry, it's Monday

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            There seems to be an issue with then new sampler. We forwarded the scene to the developers for further investigation. As soon as we get any update we will let you know.
            Zdravko Keremidchiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              Its not me? Phoi... since 4 days I'm sweating blood to figure it out...

              Thank you very much for the info and efforts! Hope to "read" you soon again.


              • #8
                So I think I found the problem; email me to if you want to try a build that hopefully fixes it. Sorry for the delay.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  Can this build be found in the nighties?
                  This is a signature.


                  • #10
                    No, I haven't pushed my changes yet - it's Easter this week and I'm using the time to work on other stuff. They will go into the nightlies probably on Tuesday.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      No, I haven't pushed my changes yet - it's Easter this week and I'm using the time to work on other stuff. They will go into the nightlies probably on Tuesday.

                      Best regards,
                      Vlado do you ever rest?
                      Dmitry Vinnik
                      Silhouette Images Inc.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
                        Vlado do you ever rest?
                        Yes, in between recompiles

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #13
                          Lol, Sunday, 19:29, still pushing vertices in space as well. Guys, we should get a life.


                          • #14
                            yeah now that I work for my self I work around the clock too, can't help it. Weekends are the worst (since most people try to take time off) I feel like there is a big void But I keep working anyway.....
                            Dmitry Vinnik
                            Silhouette Images Inc.


                            • #15
                              Is this an overall issue with refractions and build 3.305 Vlado? I'm on 3.3.04 here and trying the high aa / shade rate / lower colour thresh workflow on a shot of an airplane cockpit where all of the light has to come through the glass - it's kind of nasty frame times when motion blur is added on! An optimised scene for use with vector blur was about 1hr 50 at 2k but I'm getting issues with my vector blur so have to try 3d blur - the same scene is up to 8 hours with motion blur on, just wondering if it's the same issue as Zdravko mentioned it was a new sampler problem earlier in the thread!
                              Last edited by joconnell; 03-05-2016, 05:25 AM.

