We are rendering deep passes for our compers to integrate characters into volumetrics. I have been asked to reduce the size of the deep volumetrics frames rendered because they are 1.4 gig each.
We are using the VrayOptionRE render element to change the deep merge Zdepth threshold to reduce the number of depth samples saved in the frames (therefore making them smaller as the manual says to do) but it doesn’t seem to have an effect on the file size at all.
We've tried with FumeFX and VrayEnvironmentFog.
We've switched to By Z-depth in the deep merge fragment pulldown menu.
The deep does work in comp, it’s just the file sizes that are unmanageable. Any tips to reduce deep file sizes would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
We are rendering deep passes for our compers to integrate characters into volumetrics. I have been asked to reduce the size of the deep volumetrics frames rendered because they are 1.4 gig each.
We are using the VrayOptionRE render element to change the deep merge Zdepth threshold to reduce the number of depth samples saved in the frames (therefore making them smaller as the manual says to do) but it doesn’t seem to have an effect on the file size at all.
We've tried with FumeFX and VrayEnvironmentFog.
We've switched to By Z-depth in the deep merge fragment pulldown menu.
The deep does work in comp, it’s just the file sizes that are unmanageable. Any tips to reduce deep file sizes would be helpful. Thanks in advance.