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automatic subdivisions and refracted gi noise

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  • automatic subdivisions and refracted gi noise

    I have this weird problem with noise coming from gi, when seen behind more than one refractive object, which seems to be related to the way vray automatically adjusts subdivisions. assuming brute force subdivisions are controlled as materials and lights are.
    in a simple scene a set up the three boxes are behind, from left to right, a single glass plane (though not really a plane as it has thickness), then two and three. what's seen through refraction is sampled consistently in the first two cases, but not the last one. with default settings, even raising the msr to very high values doesn't make any difference. what I found does clear the noise, is checking use local subdivisions and manually adjust the gi ones. once I've done that, even reverting to automatic renders correctly.
    I thought vray would take care of all subdivisions when use local is unchecked, and that the msr would globally control them. as weird and uncommon as it may be, in this case it doesn't seem to work.
    or quite possibly is me doing something stupid or overlooking something...
    in the first two images noise won't go away raising the msr, last two have use local checked and gi adjusted manually.
    vray version is 3.30.04

    Click image for larger version

Name:	gi_pass.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	106.5 KB
ID:	884590Click image for larger version

Name:	gi_sample.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	132.0 KB
ID:	884591Click image for larger version

Name:	gi_pass_b.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	102.6 KB
ID:	884592Click image for larger version

Name:	gi_sample_b.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	125.2 KB
ID:	884593

  • #2
    This should be a lot better in the nightly builds tomorrow. There was a certain ray depth (5 rays) after which V-Ray switched to low sampling; this doesn't work for glass obviously, so I've reworked it to be more robust for V-Ray 3.40

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      thanks Vlado, that's good to hear. had been puzzled by this for quite a bit now, and couldn't find an efficient work around in these situations.


      • #4
        If you don't have access to the nightlies and need to get this fixed, you can email me to and I'll get you a build.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

