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how do i get rid of the nag screen?

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  • how do i get rid of the nag screen?

    i'm sure i'm late to the party ...
    after updating to 3.30.05 we get a nag screen about adaptive image sampling every time max is launched

    (we use central scripts and plugins location for the whole network instead of individual installs)

    is there a way to stop that?
    also is there a way to change the image sampling with UI or script after the nag screen is gone?

    thank you!
    Keep Going!

  • #2
    By nag screen do you mean the notification window about the updated image sampler settings etc?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2016-06-27_18-20-39.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.0 KB
ID:	862488

    If yes you could place the following script into Max Startup folder and V-Ray will update the scene settings quietly.

    fn DialogsHandler = (
        -- Get the window handle of the current dialog
        local windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
        -- Make sure this is a valid handle
        if (windowHandle != 0) then (
            -- new adaptive sampler warning
            if ((UIAccessor.GetWindowText windowHandle) == "V-Ray warning") do (
                UIAccessor.PressButtonByName windowHandle "&Yes"
                return true
        return true
    DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#dialogsHandler
    -- Dialogs handler
    -- Register the DialogHandler callback
    DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification DialogsHandler id:#dialogsHandler
    -- Enable the monitor
    DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

