The Vray Blend mtrl appears to be broken when using the FastSSS2 shader as a coat material. This issue is the spec/reflection is not masked out by the coat material.
i tested this on a simple scene with a sphere. I had a vray material as the base layer when zero diffuse and some reflection and specular contribution. And then i put a Fast SSS2 shader with ZERO spec/reflection into coat slot one with the blend amount set to 1. For some reason this does not mask away the spec from the base shader. It works as expected with a standard vray material instead of the sss2 shader.
Any ideas on what the issue could be?
i tested this on a simple scene with a sphere. I had a vray material as the base layer when zero diffuse and some reflection and specular contribution. And then i put a Fast SSS2 shader with ZERO spec/reflection into coat slot one with the blend amount set to 1. For some reason this does not mask away the spec from the base shader. It works as expected with a standard vray material instead of the sss2 shader.
Any ideas on what the issue could be?