Is this a limitation of the VRayDistanceTex?
I'm trying to get water in deep puddles to kind of "crawl up" the edges a bit via a bump map.
What I thought is just plug in a VRayDistanceTex into the bump slot of the water object (via VRayColor2Bump) which calculates distance from the displaced surface.
What I noticed is that generally it works but only to the extend of giving me the distance between the water and the undisplaced object. Is this a limitation or do I have an error in my thought process?
Plane A at z = 0 (ground)
Plane B at z = -1 (water)
Plane A gets displaced (also in negative range) then the Plane B penetrates at some areas and forms the puddles.
With the VRayDistanceTex I always get a solid color, no edges. I have red as near color and green as far color. When I change the distance, I always get either full red, full green or a full mixture with no edges of the both which leads me to the impression it calculates distance on the undisplaced surface.
If so could we get that changed? I guess it would be useful for some situations.
Is there a workaround to get this effect?
I'm trying to get water in deep puddles to kind of "crawl up" the edges a bit via a bump map.
What I thought is just plug in a VRayDistanceTex into the bump slot of the water object (via VRayColor2Bump) which calculates distance from the displaced surface.
What I noticed is that generally it works but only to the extend of giving me the distance between the water and the undisplaced object. Is this a limitation or do I have an error in my thought process?
Plane A at z = 0 (ground)
Plane B at z = -1 (water)
Plane A gets displaced (also in negative range) then the Plane B penetrates at some areas and forms the puddles.
With the VRayDistanceTex I always get a solid color, no edges. I have red as near color and green as far color. When I change the distance, I always get either full red, full green or a full mixture with no edges of the both which leads me to the impression it calculates distance on the undisplaced surface.
If so could we get that changed? I guess it would be useful for some situations.
Is there a workaround to get this effect?
