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Save exr by "vray raw image file"

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  • Save exr by "vray raw image file"


    i post a problem which i face for a long time yet. I work in linear workflow for about 7 years but never could manage the folowing problem:
    When i save a EXR file of a Rendering by the VFB aufter the Rendering is finished i get the EXR as i suppose it. It has the same "look" in terms of brightness and contrast as the Rendering in the VFB and the beauty pass i save in JPG Format.
    When i save the EXR by "Vray raw image file" (which is necessary when i want to render some data over nicht with backburner) i get a result which is much darker than the Rendering in the VFB. Also gamma corrections with 2,2 or 04545 don`t bring the desired result.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    You will help us a lot if you attach a sample scene and render outputs from VFB and from V-Ray Raw Image file so we could see the difference between the images and the settings that you are using.
    The difference usually comes from the facts that when the image is saved though VFB the sRGB color correction are taken into account, when saving it from V-Ray Raw image however those are not taken into account.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      Thank`s for the reply.

      I attached a link with the Beauty Pass saved from the VFB. It hs the same look as the rendering in the VFB and as the EXR i saved frm the VFB when i open it in PS. Also attached a Screenahot from PS of the EXR which was saved by "Vray Raw image file" checked. Also attached the Color Correction- und Gamma/LUT settings.

      If i make Gamma Corrections of the EXR (which was saved by "Vray Raw image file") with 2,2 or 0,4545 i don`t get the same Result as the Rendering in the VFB. Can you tell me how i can achieve the identical result for both EXR´s?


      • #4
        Do you have any corrections set in the VFB for example changed the exposure slider etc?
        Setting the file to save in the vray raw image, saves during render, and thus the exposure controls etc is only for viewing purposes. Any corrections made in the VFB are ignored.

        On the other hand, saving to EXR from the VFB, will save WITH the corrections controls. So if you changed the slider for exposure or white balance etc, it will save WITH those corrections.

        Also, when you render overnight with Backburner, you don't need to use the vray raw image to exr. Use the split channels instead and from there set it to exr
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Thanks for your reply Morne,
          i tested your advices and found the answers to my questions.
          I get different results in the VFB as i use the Exposure control in the color corrections tab of the VFB. I didn´t know that checking "save in the vray raw image" ignores the settings in the VFB. Thanks a lot for that!
          I work now with your advice to use ER´s in the spli channels and I am fine.
          Best Regards

