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Vray Lens Effects - totally confused :(

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  • Vray Lens Effects - totally confused :(


    I'm running Vray 3.2 and for the life of me I cannot get anything to work in 'Vray Lens Effects'

    I've watched / read various stuff online and at it's simplest I should be able to render a simple image (one light and primitives with bright reflections) and then click in the Lens Effects box to add some bloom to the image?

    Can someone please point me to the correct workflow - am I missing something? Do I need to add a render element or similar for this to work?

    Crazy Confused with this - i've tried all sorts and nothing works - I see so effect to my images

  • #2
    You need to have enabled an effect in the frame buffer BEFORE you render the image, otherwise VRay will not generate the necessary "lenseffect" render element.
    Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

    Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


    • #3
      Appreciate there reply - in serious danger of sounding like a complete newbie (but i'm not - honestly) - how do I enable an effect in the frame buffer?

      I noticed I was missing the lens effect render element I saw in various tutorials - but have no idea how to 'get it'!

      I do work with render pass EXR images all the time too!


      • #4
        I'm an idiot....

        I found it - I was simply not clicking the 'open lens effects' button that's on the actual frame buffer..... Doh.

        Many Thanks - your prompt helped me sort it

