I'm trying to use caustics to achieve a specific effect with a crystal ball but they don't come out as I expect. I want to achieve this effect:

But I'm getting this:

I'm not seeing the hotspot in the center behind the ball and the dark shadows as it should happen in reality. My Vray settings are at their defaults except these:
Probabilistic lights "off"
Caustics "on", search dist 50 cm, max photons 1000, multiplier 20 (for stronger effect without increasing the strength of the light source)
Override depth 25, max ray intensity turned off (for full dynamic range)
The caustics subdivisions of the light object are raised from 1500 to 2500.
The glass material is reflect & refract 255 white, affect shadows "on", reflect on back side "on"
Maybe I'm missing something?
Please see attached below the scene.
Thanks in advance!
But I'm getting this:
I'm not seeing the hotspot in the center behind the ball and the dark shadows as it should happen in reality. My Vray settings are at their defaults except these:
Probabilistic lights "off"
Caustics "on", search dist 50 cm, max photons 1000, multiplier 20 (for stronger effect without increasing the strength of the light source)
Override depth 25, max ray intensity turned off (for full dynamic range)
The caustics subdivisions of the light object are raised from 1500 to 2500.
The glass material is reflect & refract 255 white, affect shadows "on", reflect on back side "on"
Maybe I'm missing something?
Please see attached below the scene.
Thanks in advance!