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vray lightcache file and irradiance file not saved !!
vray lightcache file and irradiance file not saved !!
Last edited by Arnaud_3DMS; 13-09-2016, 12:53 AM. -
Uh ?
But it's mean that it have been modified since the vray 2.5 version ?
With 2.5 when we rendered an animation you needed to render first the light cache and after the irradiance each time with the "don't render final image" checked !
So what you explain, is : i need to save the image of the rendering (PNG, JPG or whatever) for a correct saving of the IRR and LC files ?
Actually nothing has changed since 2.5 in that direction, Auto save option was always disabled by default. Also maybe you misunderstood me, I haven't said anything about RGB saving. What I meant was that if you save the Light cache before rendering it will create 1KB empty file, like in your case. So if you want to properly save the LC file you need to either use the Auto save option or manually save the file after its been calculated.
No problem Zdravko thanks for your answer.
I checked the autosave, and it works very well !
What happen with the new menu of vray (For me it was a big change 2.4 -> 3.4 lol and very good performances !) : [Default] [Advanced] [expert] is that i didn't noticed that if you choose [expert] in irradiance parameters for example, the light cache stay in [default].
It seems that the reset button doesn't work.Last edited by Arnaud_3DMS; 19-09-2016, 12:42 AM.