Really annoying endless dark bucket problems with a larger DR scene (60mill polys). 10 nodes plus host - several nodes will output dark buckets, never consistently any particular node, just a few of the nodes on every reattempt.
Error messages typically multiple:
Error receiving irradiance map X: [VUtils::VRayRenderer::getRenderData] sendClientMessage() failed [Thread::sendMessage] No response received for the specified timeout of 50000
warning Render host blah is not responding
Why so many render host timeouts on a 1gb/sec network? (see this error constantly on nearly all DR jobs even when rendering is fine and no darker buckets problems)
Where are the timeouts specified?
Can I set the timeouts to allow longer so there are less problems?
farm is working fine on smaller scenes, DR, frame by frame, RT and RT DR - just the big scenes, especially with a lot of foliage and or fur.
Error messages typically multiple:
Error receiving irradiance map X: [VUtils::VRayRenderer::getRenderData] sendClientMessage() failed [Thread::sendMessage] No response received for the specified timeout of 50000
warning Render host blah is not responding
Why so many render host timeouts on a 1gb/sec network? (see this error constantly on nearly all DR jobs even when rendering is fine and no darker buckets problems)
Where are the timeouts specified?
Can I set the timeouts to allow longer so there are less problems?
farm is working fine on smaller scenes, DR, frame by frame, RT and RT DR - just the big scenes, especially with a lot of foliage and or fur.