Oy. Everyone has there own settings but those are extremely odd to me... though I will admit that I am old school in my choice of settings but they tend to work. It may be best just to upload part of the scene so people can look at it and offer you better advice.
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Strong noise in dark areas (vray 3.)
Those are from quick settings. I think it has a bug too...if you enter a number in it for AA and then use slider percentage goes crazy. I tried resetting it by typing 100 while slider was to the far right. Maybe it didn't work so it gave these numbers.www.hrvojedesign.com
I usually use multiple window lights and not one large light. Not sure if it still holds true but in the past using one large plane made the rendering much slower than several small planes. My guess it has something to do with samples needed to deal with the extremely large surface area of the Vray plane light.
Turn off probabilistic lights.
Change lots of lights on the sides to one big light. Dont make portals. If you use hdri and all vray lights are portals, dont use them at all.
Maybe there are more fix should be done, but without scene hard to tell.
Now I see some picture of your settings - its little bit odd. Use automatic subdivs or make brute force subdivs higher. Or use Irradiance map with some high settings.Last edited by Jiri.Matys; 15-11-2016, 01:06 AM.AMD TR 7980X, 256GB DDR5, GeForce RTX 4090 24GB, Win 10 Pro
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Originally posted by Crayox13 View PostSo in this scene I tried manual override of the light and put sampling of 100 and I still get this noise. Can I send it to someone so we get to the bottom of what is causing this and other noise areas in my scenes?
There seems to be an issue with the Multiple Importance Sampling in this particular case. I've forward the scene to the developers for investigation.
For now you can either disable VRayDomeLight "Use MIS" option or you can revert to the old sampling method:
There is a MIS option in the Light Options:
Disabling that option for the DomeLight in the scene will resolve the artifacts.