After finding out that my renders in the VFB were not the same size as the same images in Photoshop I investigated and found this.
Well first check / compare the size of the same render at 100% zoom between VFB and Photoshop with ALT+TAB. If it's the same then you'r all good to not read the following
If it's not the same size then that totally sucks all right and here is the solution :
To avoid display scaling of 3ds max interface (texts, icons, etc) and MOOOST importantly of the render in the V-Ray frame buffer (yes, the actual rendered image was getting scaled down and all smoothed / blurred in the VFB!!) do this :
Go to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017
Right clic on 3dsmax.exe
Go to Properties then in the Compatibility tab
Enable "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
The interface (texts, icons, etc) should now all be sharp and oh miracle your rendered images should display at actual size 1:1 and not all scaled down / blurred.
Found that trick on a Autodesk forum where lots of people were complaining about 3ds max 2015/2016 lack of support for high DPI display like 4K or whatnot so they where trying all sorts of funny things (apparently all good now in 3ds Max 2017 on 4K screens and such).
FYI in my case that lovely scale behavior happened in 3ds max 2017 / V-Ray 3.30 on a 1920x1200 screen as second monitor throu HDMI on a laptop with Nvidia GTX 950M (the main screen in 1920x1080 and was not scale).
Could have tweaked that fine bump forever in that scaled down / blurred VFB. Of all the stupid software stuff I had to endure in my insignificant 3d carreer this one is pretty special. So pretty much until 2017 3ds Max was unable to properly deal with very high definition/dpi displays, and from 2017 onwards it screws over regular HD displays. I guess we can't have apple and oranges here. Thank you so much Autodesk you are at the forefront of smart software development as usual urgh...
Cheers and good luck with your CG struggles and successes
Well first check / compare the size of the same render at 100% zoom between VFB and Photoshop with ALT+TAB. If it's the same then you'r all good to not read the following

If it's not the same size then that totally sucks all right and here is the solution :
To avoid display scaling of 3ds max interface (texts, icons, etc) and MOOOST importantly of the render in the V-Ray frame buffer (yes, the actual rendered image was getting scaled down and all smoothed / blurred in the VFB!!) do this :
Go to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017
Right clic on 3dsmax.exe
Go to Properties then in the Compatibility tab
Enable "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
The interface (texts, icons, etc) should now all be sharp and oh miracle your rendered images should display at actual size 1:1 and not all scaled down / blurred.
Found that trick on a Autodesk forum where lots of people were complaining about 3ds max 2015/2016 lack of support for high DPI display like 4K or whatnot so they where trying all sorts of funny things (apparently all good now in 3ds Max 2017 on 4K screens and such).
FYI in my case that lovely scale behavior happened in 3ds max 2017 / V-Ray 3.30 on a 1920x1200 screen as second monitor throu HDMI on a laptop with Nvidia GTX 950M (the main screen in 1920x1080 and was not scale).
Could have tweaked that fine bump forever in that scaled down / blurred VFB. Of all the stupid software stuff I had to endure in my insignificant 3d carreer this one is pretty special. So pretty much until 2017 3ds Max was unable to properly deal with very high definition/dpi displays, and from 2017 onwards it screws over regular HD displays. I guess we can't have apple and oranges here. Thank you so much Autodesk you are at the forefront of smart software development as usual urgh...
Cheers and good luck with your CG struggles and successes
