I've recently been working on a lot of projects with carpets.
My workflow is using vrayfur, it does the job well.
There is one bug that is extremely annoying and inconvenient
When vrayfur has a shader with vrayhairinfotx opacity map to soften the fur and the scene uses an environment map or even environment color, the result is broken.
It took some time to track down what causes it, but I tracked it down to vraybackground.
So here is a render with no opacity for fur
Here the opacity is turned on
here is the vraybackground element.
There is a solid box below the fur, so there is no way environment background should affect the opacity.
At the moment the workaround is to remake the scenes so there is no environment map.
If you change the environment to anything else, the color of the problem changes, but it still stays there (try disabling the map in sample scene)
Here is a sample scene.
My workflow is using vrayfur, it does the job well.
There is one bug that is extremely annoying and inconvenient
When vrayfur has a shader with vrayhairinfotx opacity map to soften the fur and the scene uses an environment map or even environment color, the result is broken.
It took some time to track down what causes it, but I tracked it down to vraybackground.
So here is a render with no opacity for fur
Here the opacity is turned on
here is the vraybackground element.
There is a solid box below the fur, so there is no way environment background should affect the opacity.
At the moment the workaround is to remake the scenes so there is no environment map.
If you change the environment to anything else, the color of the problem changes, but it still stays there (try disabling the map in sample scene)
Here is a sample scene.