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Vray Beta_Feedback_issues
Hi guys,
I've been playing with the beta again this morning and I'm noticing two other issues.
1. Camera isn't locking to camera view port. - IE When switching working view port the VFB also renders that view port despite the camera being locked off in Render Setup
2. Scene isn't updating in VFB - IE copying an object in the camera view (because of issue 1) the VFB down't update with new geometry. This also occurs with changed in materials.
Is anyone else experiencing these issues..?
Cheers guys.
Is anyone else having errors with Interactive Renders not matching the camera view port?
Are you also getting exposure issues? I'm fininding starting interactive renders overexposed until I change ev value In the camera.
1. Camera isn't locking to camera view port.
Scene isn't updating in VFB
Hi Zdravko,
I'm activating interactive from the VFB (top right) and the shift is appearing in the render.
It seems to be updating with changes in geometry & materials fine now, however the camera lock isn't working.
I'l look for a previous version with the exposure issue.
LAttached Files
Blown out render
Hi Zdravko,
Here is a previous file where the EV wasn't responding.
Strangely I opened the file and began to render, the file had front view active so the render was black, so i selected the camera view (with interactive running) and the EV was non responsive & render blown out.
I stopped the render, selected the camera view and restarted the render and the Exposure was fine and EV responsive.
My steps were.
Open file
Open VFB
Start interactive
Middle click camera view port to activate
Brownout render
Stop render
With camera view selected
Start render
Everything fine
I hope this helps