I have an odd problem that I've not experienced before. I am using vray fur on a simple place object (with a bit of depth and some fillet edges). I cannot seem to change the value of the fur length below 0.035 (roughly) before the fur just isn't rendered. It seems to be a threshold and cuts off. It will suddenly render above this figure.
I've checked the scale of the object and it is 100%. The preview in the viewport shows the fur fine. I have nothing in any texture slots. I have also tried creating a brand new fur mod and it still does the same thing. I've tried with new geometry and the same problem occurs.
I've checked the scale of the object and it is 100%. The preview in the viewport shows the fur fine. I have nothing in any texture slots. I have also tried creating a brand new fur mod and it still does the same thing. I've tried with new geometry and the same problem occurs.