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FOV troubles with VRayCameras

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  • FOV troubles with VRayCameras

    I'm having some big problems right now when renderings with VRayCameras, in that the rendered FOV is changing depending on the camera's distance from its target (compared to max standard camera and AfterEffects' internal camera).

    Using the script to export my 3D camera and positional dummy objects to AfterEffects to add stuff like labels to machines, so that they could be changed later on. The problem is: The exported camera isn't lining up with the rendering once I get closer to the object (and the distance between Camera and CameraTarget gets smaller). The FOV value in the VRayCamera isn't animated, so the exported value is fixed as well - unfortunately it looks like the rendering doesn't keep a fixed FOV.

    Once I use Max's standard cameras for rendering, everything fits perfectly. Unfortunately I've rendered my 6000 frame animation with a VrayCamera.

    Is there any kind of formular I can put into AfterEffects camera via an expression that fixes this?
    Last edited by Laserschwert; 17-01-2017, 05:00 AM.

  • #2
    Most probably the scene units are not set correctly and the focus distance is very close to the camera. In this situation a change in the FOV is expected. Explained here:

    Make sure your keep the scene is real world units/scale.
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

