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Dozens of Tiled EXRs make scene extremely slow

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  • Dozens of Tiled EXRs make scene extremely slow

    So, I am running into this issue...

    I have a scene with millions of polygons, plus millions of instances (trees, bushes, grass, rocks, etc, etc etc) and hundreds of 4K and 8K textures.

    My first thought was to convert all the textures to tiled EXRs to have a better management of my RAM, hoever I noticed that after having 30 or so vRayHDRI nodes loading the tiled EXRs my max scene became extremely slow: Saving times went to almost an hour (no, no retimers nor anim track issues, already checked), render buckets would get stuck sometimes for hours and not do anything, etc...

    I did a quick test of replacing all my tiled EXRs for TIFs, and my saving time went down from an hour to 10 seconds, and the render happens really fast, however I have multiplied my RAM usage by three or so...

    Has anyone experienced a similar problem before?
    Is there a known limitation on how many tiled EXRs can vray, or max, handle before it becomes extremely slow?

    FYI, We are using max 2014, and vray 3.40.03

  • #2
    In the V-Ray System tab, there is a section called "Texture options":

    The default value is 4000 MB, I think. Try increasing it and see if it helps.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      It has already been set to 16 000... and I also understand that is the cache size for render time....

      My issue comes from just having the textures in the scene makes the scene unmanageable, ie saving times.


      • #4
        Ok, then we'll need some way to reproduce the issue here with a scene and more specific reproduction steps. Do you think you can get us an example scene to ?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Let me talk to my producers...

          Also, do you need the hundreds of linked texture files?

