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V-Ray online licensing service weirdness

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  • V-Ray online licensing service weirdness


    ever since I started to use V-Ray's online licensing service, I am encountering some weird behavior here and there:

    1, Every time I do first render in 3ds Max after launch, I encounter a few seconds of freeze. It's not a big deal, but it was not happening with dongle.

    2, On rare occasions, first render after launching 3ds Max is extremely slow, like 10-100x slower than usually. Once I stop it and start it again, it runs at correct speed. This too wasn't happening prior when using dongle licensing.

    3, The other day, I was installing PhoenixFD nightly. After installation went well, everything worked, but I could not delete installer from my downloads folder. I opened process explorer to see what executable still handles it, and for some reason, vrlservice.exe was handling phoenixFD installer executable even after install finished. I proceeded to shut down vrlservice.exe (not uninstall, just manually end process in task manager) and then sucessfully deleted the installer file. Upon restarting, my V-Ray online licensing was completely gone, service was gone, executable were gone, V-Ray did not work and neither did PhoenixFD. I had to re-download V-Ray online licensing server installer and re-install it from scratch. All that just because i've manually shut down vrlservice.exe.

    4, vrlservice.exe and vrol.exe seem to be constantly stuck in a loop sending some packets to localhost for no reason, even if 3dsmax is completely shut down. Not sure if it's correct, but it's weird. My network IO is therefore never idle. There's always vrlservice and vrol sending and receiving about 10x more data than all of the other idle processes together:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	9.9 KB
ID:	886832

    5, It seems that V-Ray online licensing service is somehow messing with my Quality of Service (QoS) protocol. As long as I have V-Ray online license service installed, whenever I am downloading something at full speed, any other processes requiring some bandwidth get choked down and start losing their connectivity. As soon as I remove vrlservice and vrol, everything is back to normal.

    Would be good to get these sorted out
    Last edited by LudvikKoutny; 04-02-2017, 09:43 AM.

  • #2
    Thank you for your feedback.

    In order to investigate the issue further, we would like to ask you to send us license server log files.
    To generate the log, please go to http://localhost:30304/#/notifications, then click on "Download Logs" and e-mail us the generated archive to

    We managed to reproduce the issue with deleting PhoenixFD installer nightly build while vrlservice.exe is running and it will be fixed in the next releases.
    The reason for removing V-Ray license server from the Services after PhoenixFD installation is that Workstation installation type of the installer includes the dongle based version of the license server, which overwrites the current version. To avoid this you can choose "Simulation or Render slave" installation type which does not include V-Ray license server (you already have it installed).
    Technical Support
    Chaos Group

