I've been used to adjust my VrayIES lights positions in 3.40.03 in ActiveShade mode with V-Ray RT (CUDA). However whenever I try to render with RT after the 3.50.03 update, it hangs with this error :
error: [VRayRTMax::renderThreadProc] Exception occured in rendering thread.
Same problem with a blank new scene (3ds max 2016) with a single VrayIES, and VrayRT with default settings (not even CUDA, but CPU).
VrayLight is fine.
error: [VRayRTMax::renderThreadProc] Exception occured in rendering thread.
Same problem with a blank new scene (3ds max 2016) with a single VrayIES, and VrayRT with default settings (not even CUDA, but CPU).
VrayLight is fine.