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Vray 3.5 IPR and RT issues/crashes

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  • Vray 3.5 IPR and RT issues/crashes

    I have encountered a few issues/crashes with Vray 3.5
    I am running on 3dsmax 2014 with ForestPack on my scenes
    - RT is not working for me on 3.5. It fails at start with an error during initialization in stage 2.
    - IPR is also crashing and causing several issues like hanging with a "preparing tone operator" message when making a simple change like the reflection value and other issues and crashes when using region render in the VFB.

    IPR video: This scene has ForestPack. It starts IPR just fine but as soon as I try to change any material parameter, change frame on the timeline or do region render it hangs or crashes.

  • #2
    Vray 3.5 IPR and RT issues/crashes Second video

    RT video: shows that RT wont start even on a new scene as shown in the final take on the video and some issues with IPR with forestPack; that may be the reason for the crash? because without ForestPack it seems to work as expected.


    • #3

      We know that IPR has issues with ForestPro, and they are going to be fixed. The RT case is strange though. What version of FP is this ?
      If it was that easy, it would have already been done

      Peter Matanov


      • #4

        FP is 4.2.5. that's what I thought, that IPR may have some issue with forestPack.

        About RT, as you can see in the last cut in the RT video, is not working for me in CPU, openCL or CUDA even on a new scene with just a teapot.


        • #5
          Can you get me those scenes to just to make sure that any fixes I've done actually work for your scenes?

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by hmercado View Post

            FP is 4.2.5. that's what I thought, that IPR may have some issue with forestPack.

            About RT, as you can see in the last cut in the RT video, is not working for me in CPU, openCL or CUDA even on a new scene with just a teapot.
            Try updating to a newer FP. A lot has changed since 4.2 in terms of FP-RT communication.
            If it was that easy, it would have already been done

            Peter Matanov

