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Forest pack update (5.3.2) crashes Vray RT (production and active shade)

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  • Forest pack update (5.3.2) crashes Vray RT (production and active shade)


    Just updated forestpack to latest version (5.3.2) and getting this error whenever I try and use RT in activeshade or production with a forest in the scene.

    error: Error during v-Ray RT initialization in stage 2!

    I am using max 2016 and vray 3.50.04

    Also, the forest color, which is now supposed to work with RT only seems to work occasionally...

  • #2

    We've fixed a similar problem recently, so please try your scenes with a latest stable nightly build.
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      HI Peter, thanks... where can I get the nightly builds from?


      • #4
        Please request access to the stable builds at
        Include a link to this thread for reference.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          I am also having problems with Forest Lite 5.3.2. Although I cannot verify, it seems after having animated some of the trees, the errors are stopping RT GPU from rendering. After installing the latest nightlie build I'm actually getting one more error.
          error: Error 719 transferring point lights to device 0
          error: PTX loading failed, error:
          error: ./src/ocl_tracedevice.cpp(2024) : CUDA error 719 : exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel
          I'm working on an HP Z840 with 2 Titan X cards under Windows 7 Professional.
          I'm not sure if this is the same error as the OG post?


          • #6
            Originally posted by LeePuznowski View Post
            I am also having problems with Forest Lite 5.3.2. Although I cannot verify, it seems after having animated some of the trees, the errors are stopping RT GPU from rendering. After installing the latest nightlie build I'm actually getting one more error.
            error: Error 719 transferring point lights to device 0
            error: PTX loading failed, error:
            error: ./src/ocl_tracedevice.cpp(2024) : CUDA error 719 : exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel
            I'm working on an HP Z840 with 2 Titan X cards under Windows 7 Professional.
            I'm not sure if this is the same error as the OG post?
            Can you send me the scene?
            If it was that easy, it would have already been done

            Peter Matanov


            • #7
              I'll try to get that to you today. In the meantime, I seem to have found the (possible) solution. I've simply turned off motion blur. Is Vray adding memory usage when motion blur is on? Maybe it's then exceeding the maximum Memory limit of the card.

