A strange thing started happening on one of the PCs about a week ago. Max 2016 started hanging after startup and I suspect it was Vray. Side note - there's another workstation with exactly the same h/w specs, software, plugins and scripts installed and it doesn't have this problem.
The first time it happened was a week ago and I couldn't find the reason so I just reinstalled Max altogether and everything was working fine for the next 3-4 days. But today Max started hanging at startup again!
The hanging was accompanied by script errors and at every startup the script error was different. Most of the times it showed Vray errors but sometimes it showed Forest Pack Pro errors. Also, a bunch of strange .mcr macro script files started generating in the ENU folder which read something like "__temp<a sequence of random numbers>.mcr". Anyways, the only thing I could do when Max hanged is "kill" it in Task Manager. Also, when it hanged the PC became EXTREMELY slow at loading and writing any files from and to disk which is super strange. Also, these 2 mysterious applications always appeared in the taskbar when Max hanged - "Default IME" which said "not responding" and another one which has the name of the Users folder on that PC (check this screenshot):

So today when the problem returned, I thought why not uninstall Vray and see if it goes away. And... sure enough the problem went away! Max didn't hang anymore but I was still getting an error at startup. The error was something about the file "vrsceneexport.ms". So to get rid of the startup error I had to delete the file vrsceneexport.ms in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\Startup and I think that I also had to delete all Vray related .mcr macro scripts from the ENU folder. After doing that, Max no longer showed any script errors.
After seeing that Max works again, I installed Vray back to see if the problem would come back but it didn't. Really strange!
Could Vray have caused these problems? It's strange cause on the other workstation, which has the same hardware and software installed, I've never seen this thing happen.
The first time it happened was a week ago and I couldn't find the reason so I just reinstalled Max altogether and everything was working fine for the next 3-4 days. But today Max started hanging at startup again!
The hanging was accompanied by script errors and at every startup the script error was different. Most of the times it showed Vray errors but sometimes it showed Forest Pack Pro errors. Also, a bunch of strange .mcr macro script files started generating in the ENU folder which read something like "__temp<a sequence of random numbers>.mcr". Anyways, the only thing I could do when Max hanged is "kill" it in Task Manager. Also, when it hanged the PC became EXTREMELY slow at loading and writing any files from and to disk which is super strange. Also, these 2 mysterious applications always appeared in the taskbar when Max hanged - "Default IME" which said "not responding" and another one which has the name of the Users folder on that PC (check this screenshot):
So today when the problem returned, I thought why not uninstall Vray and see if it goes away. And... sure enough the problem went away! Max didn't hang anymore but I was still getting an error at startup. The error was something about the file "vrsceneexport.ms". So to get rid of the startup error I had to delete the file vrsceneexport.ms in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\Startup and I think that I also had to delete all Vray related .mcr macro scripts from the ENU folder. After doing that, Max no longer showed any script errors.
After seeing that Max works again, I installed Vray back to see if the problem would come back but it didn't. Really strange!
Could Vray have caused these problems? It's strange cause on the other workstation, which has the same hardware and software installed, I've never seen this thing happen.