I need to render out an underwater sequence this weekend that has a lot of lights shining through blue fog. With adaptive lights in use, I get a gap between some light beams (disk lights with directional enabled) and the light disk it is emitting from. With Full lights evaluation the problem is almost fixed, but obviously a lot slower to render. In the Full lights render attached there is still one light at least that shows a gap between the light disk and the beam. This sequence will show the lights emitting from various machinery items, so they need to look "attached". I'm using Vray 3.5.04
is this the same issue discussed in this thread?
Are there any settings in the Fog and/or lights I can use to fix or improve this, or do I need the newer Vray build mentioned in the thread above?

I need to render out an underwater sequence this weekend that has a lot of lights shining through blue fog. With adaptive lights in use, I get a gap between some light beams (disk lights with directional enabled) and the light disk it is emitting from. With Full lights evaluation the problem is almost fixed, but obviously a lot slower to render. In the Full lights render attached there is still one light at least that shows a gap between the light disk and the beam. This sequence will show the lights emitting from various machinery items, so they need to look "attached". I'm using Vray 3.5.04
is this the same issue discussed in this thread?
Are there any settings in the Fog and/or lights I can use to fix or improve this, or do I need the newer Vray build mentioned in the thread above?