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Black areas in Vrimg file not in frame buffer

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  • Black areas in Vrimg file not in frame buffer

    Rendering looks fine in frame buffer, but when I open the vrimg file I save to there are black areas in the file and all the render elements. If I save out individual channels, as opposed to all channels, it opens into Photoshop just fine.

    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by kellyctv; 07-06-2017, 02:46 PM.

  • #2
    If you can load the .vrimg file in the VFB and it looks fine, then the issue might be with Photoshop. For some reason Photoshop might not read the .vrimg file correctly.

    Is it possible to send us the .vrimg file so we could investigate it further. Also, could you try saving your image as .exr and then try loading ot in Photoshop to see if there is difference.
    Nikolay Kusht |
    Team Lead, 3D Support | contact us

