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GI on DR problem

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  • GI on DR problem

    Just noticed that issue: when I use DR on slave computer GI pass is different form main workstation(please see images attached)
    Same version of vray on both machines: 3.50.04
    Anyone can help me?

  • #2
    Please check all of the listed below posible solutions, and see if the issue still ocurs.
    - Check the V-Ray log file for any errors.
    - Make sure that you have installed the same V-Ray version on all machines.
    - Check if 3ds Max version installed on all of the machines is the same.
    - Please make sure that the Windows regional settings "Additional settings" "Decimal symbol" and "Digit grouping symbol" have same setup for all machines. Regarding the regional settings mentioned, please open Control Panel > Region and Language > Formats > Format tab ? it is required to be same on every machine. Check if there is a machine that differs from the others.
    - Verify that there are no textures/assets that are not accessible from the render nodes. We would recommend using UNC paths for all textures /used in the scene.
    - Another thing is to have the "Transfer missign assets" options under V-Ray Distributed Rendering settings window always checked and see if this helps.
    - Furthermore if VraySpawner is registered as a service please make sure it uses an administrator account or start the Spawner manually.
    - Check and see if the Gamma correction(Customize>Preferences>Gamma and LUT) is the same to all render machines.
    - Lastly, try resetting your V-Ray settings(by switching to scanline or mental ray and then revert back to V-Ray) on this particular scene. Then try setting up V-Ray manually and make test render.
    Nikolay Kusht |
    Team Lead, 3D Support | contact us


    • #3
      Solved... Thanks Nikolay...
      Reset Vray settings was the solution for me... changed to scanline render and then back to Vray... problem disappeared...

