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growfx and rt

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  • growfx and rt

    Getting a problem with growfx and Vray RT (CUDA). Firstly, the growfx object doesn't even show up in the render in RT.... its invisible.

    And once i start rendering with RT i can't see any changes I make to the growfx object in the viewport (or in the activeshade window when using activeshade).

    Not sure if a vray problem or a growfx problem. Anyone else experiencing this?

  • #2
    GrowFX geometries are not supported in V-Ray RT.
    It looks it works fine with IPR rendering so you can use it as a workaround.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      Hi guys,

      Just wondering if this is a Chaos thing or an Exlevel thing? I use GrowFX on 99% of my projects - it's not really feasible to collapse them all into meshes before adding them to Forest Pack objects.



      • #4
        You can add a turntomesh modifier on top of them, and it'll keep your stack intact.
        I have no experience with growFX, so i have no idea of what class their nodes are.
        But if they can get collapsed to a mesh, then they can also support the modifier.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #5
          growFx objects used to work with ForestPro just fine.
          but still nothing as robust as turning them into VRayProxies first.
          Marcin Piotrowski


          • #6
            GrowFX and Forest Pro work perfectly - that's not the issue. The issue is that Vray GPU doesn't seem to recognise GrowFX objects. I could try adding something on top of the GrowFX stack - just seems like a bit of a hack workaround.

            PS if you are working with Forest Pro you shouldn't need to turn anything into VrayProxies first...unless it's a massive tree that's chowing your file size.


            • #7

              What are your Max, V-Ray and GrowFX versions ? The topic is from 2017 and we've added changes related to GrowFX since then so it should be working.

              Best regards,
              Yavor Rubenov
              V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


              • #8
                Vray 5 and latest build of GrowFX and Max 2021.Max is a trial version as I want to upgrade - I'm usually on 2014. Waiting with baited breath for Autodesk to release Indie version.


                • #9
                  Then it would be best if you could send a problem scene to support (at so that we can see what is going on.
                  Yavor Rubenov
                  V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                  • #10
                    try displaying GrowFx objects as full meshes - don’t use GrowFx’s simplified preview. this should work with GPU. it used to work in old RT with objects created by some plugins.
                    use ‘display as box’ in Max if needed.
                    Marcin Piotrowski

