Hi all, sorry for replying a bit late but the wasted time needed to be completed at the office.
Many thanks to Bruce HART because his solution works for me : if i switch in windows 10 on an administrator account (and not user administrator) it works perfectly so i decided to turn 3DS on an administrator account to works more quickly.
For me i have only 3ds Max 2018 on my PC but the almost strange is that with the BACKBURNER this problem don't produce.
My Driver NVIDIA is 382.05 with a Quadro K4000
Thanks for your Help Bruce HART.
Many thanks to Bruce HART because his solution works for me : if i switch in windows 10 on an administrator account (and not user administrator) it works perfectly so i decided to turn 3DS on an administrator account to works more quickly.
For me i have only 3ds Max 2018 on my PC but the almost strange is that with the BACKBURNER this problem don't produce.
My Driver NVIDIA is 382.05 with a Quadro K4000
Thanks for your Help Bruce HART.