this is probably not a real problem, maybe more of a minor annoyance.
It seems that in multipart .exr images generated by Vray, the "beauty" or "rgba" subimage (index 0)
has just an empty string as name/subimagename.
After the file has been resaved via Nuke, the empty "beauty" subimage is named "rgba" (amongst other corrections),
which seems more usefull for further processing in general.
Is the "beauty" name an empty string for a reason? From a data point of view, the "beauty" subimage
doesn't really seem any special at all compared to a possible "Reflect" or "GI" subimage.
Could there be a checkbox to enable a name like "rgba" (preferably) or "beauty" to ease programmatic
postprocessing like filtering, parsing etc. (Or why wouldn't this even be the default at all?)
Here is a quick printout from the rendered multipart exr using OpenImageIOs Python bindings:
The same file after resaving via Nuke:
this is probably not a real problem, maybe more of a minor annoyance.
It seems that in multipart .exr images generated by Vray, the "beauty" or "rgba" subimage (index 0)
has just an empty string as name/subimagename.
After the file has been resaved via Nuke, the empty "beauty" subimage is named "rgba" (amongst other corrections),
which seems more usefull for further processing in general.
Is the "beauty" name an empty string for a reason? From a data point of view, the "beauty" subimage
doesn't really seem any special at all compared to a possible "Reflect" or "GI" subimage.
Could there be a checkbox to enable a name like "rgba" (preferably) or "beauty" to ease programmatic
postprocessing like filtering, parsing etc. (Or why wouldn't this even be the default at all?)
Here is a quick printout from the rendered multipart exr using OpenImageIOs Python bindings:
$ imageconverter info multipart_vray.exr [INFO] info: File name: C:/users/twagener/temp/issues/imageconverter/test_images/multipart_vray.exr File format: openexr Size: approx. 4.94MB (5184000 bytes) ... Channel names: A B G R Z Extra attributes: PixelAspectRatio(float):1.0 ... name(string): # <-- Empty string oiio:subimagename(string): ... [INFO] info: File name: C:/users/twagener/temp/issues/imageconverter/test_images/multipart_vray.exr File format: openexr Size: approx. 2.97MB (3110400 bytes) ... Channel names: X Y Z Extra attributes: ... name(string):normals # <-- all other subimages have names oiio:subimagename(string):normals ...
$ imageconverter info multipart_nuke.exr [INFO] info: File name: C:/users/twagener/temp/issues/imageconverter/test_images/multipart_nuke.exr File format: openexr Size: approx. 3.96MB (4147200 bytes) ... Channel names: A B G R Extra attributes: ... name(string):rgba.main # <-- Nuke corrects the empty subimage name on resaving a multipart exr to "rgba" oiio:subimagename(string):rgba.main ...