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V-Ray frame buffer crash with finalToon

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  • V-Ray frame buffer crash with finalToon

    I've opened a couple scenes where the last render done was finalToon, and it wasn't deactivated in the Effects rollout. If I go to do an interactive rendering it basically freezes or goes into some loop that it can't get out of without ending 3ds max via task manager.

  • #2
    We've done some tests on or side but we cannot seem to reproduce the same results.

    Could you give us more details regarding your issue and how we could replicate it.
    Is it possible send us a test scene and give us exact steps to reproduce the issue.
    Have you tried uninstalling V-Ray and see if you could open the scene without any issues? If you still have problems with this scene after uninstalling V-Ray, the issue might not be related to us.
    Nikolay Kusht |
    Team Lead, 3D Support | contact us


    • #3
      To me it looks to be an issue if finalToon doesn't have the port or password setup in the Effects rollout and possibly in combination with an old V-Ray setup. Normally, if I'd do a normal render, you wait about a minute and the credential dialog pops up where you enter in the license IP, port, and password for finalToon if they are not set on that workstation and the effect was left enabled in the file. But it acted completely different when doing an interactive rendering. When I attempted to stop the interactive rendering, there were errors popping up in the V-Ray messages (I should have taken screen shots, something about sampling I think while finalToon was gathering face information to create lines for vector output without license info), and it just hung and the same error would keep popping up slowly. I left to go make lunch and came back and it was still hung with about 4 lines of the same error (1 per minute?), no dialog popped up for license info for finalToon like would normally happen when rendering to file normally. And instead of the icons "refresh" and "stop" being shown clickable in the V-Ray frame buffer, the "refresh" reverted to "start interactive rendering" but the "stop" button also stayed, which should not be there at the same time. But none of them were clickable. I'm trying to recreate it by opening these old files again, but now it's working fine??? Of course.

      The next time I run into it, I'll set make sure to document it better. I'll post in this same thread if or when it comes back.


      • #4
        The V-Ray frame buffer generally does not support finalToon - you will have to use the 3ds Max one.

        We've never tested interactive rendering along with finalToon; it's quite possible that there are issues with it. Will make a note to look into it.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Yeah, finalToon doesn't show up in the V-Ray frame buffer, which is fine as I only use it to export vector. The issue was that it randomly froze up Max if accidentally used with finalToon.

          Side note, I'm actually hoping you guys come up with your own full featured high end toon renderer that also does vector output so that I can replace finalToon. Since they went to subscription model without actually fixing the issues that finalToon has.

