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Strange vray shadows error

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  • Strange vray shadows error

    Hi all,

    I've been having a strange problem with vray shadows. In the attached image, which is a shadows pass, there are a few errors that are a bit odd. In the bottom left corner you can clearly see that some of the buckets have failed to render the shadows properly, which make me initially think that it's a render node error, but it's complicated by the fact that there are non orthoganal edges to the shadow error area! If you look carefully at the front door, you can see there is a shadow error on there two, with a bucket that worked in the middle of it. Again, the shape of the erroneous area is not aligned to the image, but more to the geometry of the door itself.

    It's completely beyond me what could be the problem as I have no idea what it could be connected to.

    I'm using Max 2016, Vray 3.50.04, railclone 2.7.4, forest pack 5.3.0, and I think that is all. We render using distributed rendering, and I am totally sure that all nodes have all plugins the same version.

    Any help would be most appreciated.


    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thanks for sending us the scene as well. We'll investigate and get back to you.
    Miroslav Ivanov
    Chaos Cosmos


    • #3
      Hi Guys,

      .. almost 2020 and no Answer here.. so sad.
      I am also having trouble with VrayMatteShadow Pass (it´ll be posted an a new thread). Now I found this Post, wich shows, how well the Support here sometimes @ Chaosgroup works... LQ2 had been said that it´ll be investigated and will get feedback, but nothing happens... 5 Years ago...

      Well, I also use Distributed rendering and found it always disapointing. His Problems here has only to do with DR and I spend hours and hours and trying to get it proper to work, but I also got same thing like here, or luminance errors, so that the Areas of some buckets was looking different.

      Sad, the CHoasgroup is not giving a PROPER and watersealed Instruction, how to set this up in the right way with all it´s ""do´s" and "don´t do´s" A lot of peaolple are complaining about that. Iwill never ever use DR any more, because it´s simply not Productionready. Also big Production houses are not using this really, because it´s crappy. Sorry for the true words, but I hope it will help everyone on both Sides. Please dont do the same mistakes Autodesk it doing.

      best regards!

