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Different buckets DR rendering

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  • Different buckets DR rendering


    I have an issue with DR. When I'm using BF/LC my render nodes are rendering different buckets resulting images like I uploaded.
    If I change GI settings to BR/BR everything is OK.

    3ds max 2014 V-ray 3.60.03 on every computer.
    I sent the scene to support e-mail.


  • #2
    try clearing light cache? I'm not 100% sure, but I think if you uncheck "don't delete" it should do it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ulfmir View Post

      I have an issue with DR. When I'm using BF/LC my render nodes are rendering different buckets resulting images like I uploaded.
      If I change GI settings to BR/BR everything is OK.

      3ds max 2014 V-ray 3.60.03 on every computer.
      I sent the scene to support e-mail.

      I have the bucket sindrome when I do DR when:

      1. My server/s can't get to the maps/assets. Make sure your map network drive is the same for all servers and workstations.

      2. One face is on top of another, such as two walls being on the same coordinates, like a duplicate wall or something. Two faces on the same coordinates, basically.

      3. Machines dont' share same plugins. Such as floor generator, railclone, forestpack, multitexture, you name it.

      Hope that helps.



      • #4
        Right, but wouldn't all of those also occur to him when he's rendering bf/bf if any of those were the case? seems like bf/bf gets rid of the issue, indicating its an LC issue, as that is whats different


        • #5
          Thanks for answers. I Check out "don't delete" option but it didn't help. I think there is a problem with LC in my scene and It appeared with 3.6 version.


          • #6
            Reset Vray setting: switch to scanline then to vray... will solve the problem...


            • #7
              Originally posted by delineator View Post
              Right, but wouldn't all of those also occur to him when he's rendering bf/bf if any of those were the case? seems like bf/bf gets rid of the issue, indicating its an LC issue, as that is whats different
              It helps me and I get a lot of those buckets sometimes. As a note, the bucket syndrome also seems to dis-appear if you use Irradiance Map, even with the above problems mentioned. So I can't really answer your question regarding LC being the culprit.

